Aragón, 174-176 · 08011 Barcelona · Spain
Phone:(+34) 933 236 114


Flag of Jamaica  Welcome

Welcome to the website of the Consulate of Jamaica in Barcelona. We trust that you will find the information provided useful.

The Consulate assumes responsibility for working to strengthen Jamaica`s relations with the following regions: Catalonia, Aragon, Valencia, Navarra, La Rioja and the Balearic Islands. It is our privilege to support and endeavor to contribute further to the enduring relations Jamaica already enjoys with Spain and its Citizens.

We extend a special welcome to the members of the Jamaican Diaspora who live and work in the areas under the Consulate jurisdiction. We stand ready to serve and work with you and also encourage you to register with us at your earliest convenience.

Join us then, where we hope that you will appreciate the beauty of Jamaica, the warmth and soul of the people, and the confidence that as we work together in harmony across Continents, we can make a positive impact in this our global home.

James Bradwell. Hon. Consul.

Bandera de España  Bienvenidos

Bienvenidos a la página web del consulado de Jamaica en Barcelona. Confiamos en que encontrará útil la información provista.

El Consulado asume la responsabilidad de trabajar para fortalecer las relaciones de Jamaica con las regiones de Cataluña, Aragón, Valencia, Navarra, La Rioja y las Islas Baleares. Es nuestro privilegio apoyar y esforzarnos por contribuir a las relaciones ya duraderas que Jamaica disfruta con España y sus ciudadanos.

Extendemos una especial bienvenida a los miembros de la diáspora Jamaicana en las áreas bajo la jurisdicción del Consulado. Estamos listos para servirle y trabajar con usted.

Únase a nosotros, donde esperamos que aprecie la belleza de Jamaica, la calidez y el alma de la gente, y la confianza de que a medida que trabajamos juntos en armonía en todos los continentes, podemos tener un impacto positivo en nuestro hogar global.

James Bradwell. Hon. Consul.



· Calle Aragón, 174-176
· 08011 Barcelona
· Spain

· (+34) 933 236 114

 Emergencies Only:
· Cell: (+34) 649 984 043


 Consular services are Monday to Friday,
between 10:00 and 13:00 hrs.


This year marks the 60th anniversary of the independence of Jamaica on August 6th.
As part of events to celebrate this milestone, we hope you take this opportunity to enjoy the Jamaica version of “Min-On Music Journey” series by visiting the following site: Click Here
Let’s all celebrate Jamaica’s diamond jubilee together!

Soon we will announce more interesting information for you. Our goal is to help you.
Thanks for your interest.

Soon we will announce more interesting information for you. Our goal is to help you.
Thanks for your interest.